SETTING: Because I travel, the workshops are in different settings, however I try to make sure the setting is conducive to the energetic work that we will be doing.
COMFORT: Please be comfortable. Come in clothes that are comfortable and layered in case you get warm. It is nice to be able to take off your shoes, so please bring socks or slippers. Some folks bring a pillow in case they need to adjust the chair they are sitting in – so please bring a pillow if you like.
Participants will be able to:
Therapeutic Touch® is a holistic, evidence based therapy that incorporates the intentional and compassionate use of universal energy to promote balance and well being.
Therapeutic Touch is a method of using one’s hands
to assess an energy field and facilitate its re-patterning, when
necessary. This workshop is designed to provide participants with
basic skills in the technique of TT and its role in healing. Both
theoretical and practical considerations related to using the
technique will be discussed. No background in use of the technique is
assumed. Come join us and find a path towards order and wholeness for
yourself and those you care for.
Therapeutic Touch is one of the most well researched energetic modality, owing to many nurses choosing to do research on TT when getting their PhD’s in nursing. Some of the research will be presented in the workshop, but if you desire more, please just ask.
In actually learning to do TT, the first thing experienced is how to center and ground – very important when doing energy work. Through demonstration and exercises you will learn this as well as how to assess and feel the energy of another. Then you will learn how to clear and smooth one’s field as well as what to do when the field does not respond right away.
You will be able to use TT on family or friends right away. If you have clients (such as a massage therapist) or patients (such as nurses) you will need to be mentored, which I am willing to do via phone, Skype, or email. It is important to have someone to talk to as you start doing TT in case you have questions. In some areas throughout the US and Canada there are skilled TT practitioners that hold practice sessions. You will receive information about what is available to you in your area at a workshop.
The current
organization responsible for giving qualifying status to a
practitioner is called Nurse Healers and Professional
Associates. It takes about a year to complete the process
for becoming a Qualified Therapeutic Touch Practitioner (QTTP).
Whether or not one chooses to get this qualification, one can continue
to deepen their study and experience of TT. As a TT practitioner for
the last 30 years and a teacher of TT since 1991 I can reassure you
that the journey is magnificent.
The practice of TT has spread across the planet. Currently, the member organization for TT practitioners is Therapeutic Touch International Association. Their website is
If you have questions feel free to call me at 541-870-5627.