My name is Cordy Anderson and I would like to share a little bit about myself. In August of 2013 I decided to leave my position as nurse manager after working 37 years as a full time nurse. Currently I am retired, but a better word learned from Dr. Dolores Krieger is "retreaded". I have been practicing Therapeutic Touch (TT) since 1984 and have been teaching TT since 1991. There is nothing more fulfilling to me, other than caring for my grandchildren, than teaching Therapeutic Touch. With that goal in mind, I am looking forward to traveling more to teach in communities where there are currently no TT teachers.
The reason for my passion is that Therapeutic Touch has made a huge difference in my life– first as a tool to support the well-being of others, and second as a transformational process for me personally.
As a nurse I was trained to perform routine patient care procedures with my hands; start IV’s, give injections, change dressings, etc. Having learned Therapeutic Touch, it was a revelation to be able, with my hands and intention, to calm a person having a panic attack, reduce a child’s fever in less than 5 minutes, reduce edema pushing on a cancerous tumor, relieve phantom pain as I soothed the energy where the physical leg used to be, relieve shortness of breath of a lung cancer patient until the morphine kicked in…and the list continues.
After some time practicing TT I discovered an additional benefit. Integral to TT practice is cultivating a calm and quiet state of mind, and connecting to the flow of Universal Healing energy. Over the years this connection has given me a profound sense of inner peace that now extends into my daily activities and is continually strengthened whenever I give a Therapeutic Touch Session.
I have also studied the use of sound to support healing. Chanting sacred mantras, humming, and toning have become part of my daily practice. Using my voice for my own vibrational support as well as increasing the depth of stillness and peace within has significantly benefited me and my clients.
Feel free to give me a call (541-870-5627) to schedule a class in your community. I am willing to travel almost anywhere if my expenses are covered.
I look forward to connecting with you!
Namasté, Cordy